Monday, April 28, 2014

The Latest Additions To The Farm

Welcome to the farm little babies!

Yesterday afternoon, we noticed our VERY pregnant momma cat was suddenly quite skinny. So this morning, I went out and started looking in some of her favorite places to have her kittens. Surprisingly, she had had them in the first place I looked; under an old mower (a very old mower; it doesn't run anymore so there is no chance of them getting hurt.) 
We gently took both Haggles (the momma) and her babes into the garage. They're now happily lying in their corner with a rug! 
As you can see in the pictures (or maybe all you can see is a mass of little fur balls!), Haggles had eight babies. She's always had big litters, but I think this might be her biggest so far!


1 comment:

  1. Omg, so cute! I don't think there's anything sweeter than a newborn kitten <3


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